Email Me
The Best
Moses and the Class Struggle
Effective Evil
Anti-Corruption Market
Luna Lovegood and the Chamber of Secrets
The Pearly Gates
All Posts
Escape from Alderaan I
Re: Taste
Let's explore REDnote
Stream Entry
How we know Physics is Wrong
Living with Rats in College
what "physically impossible" means
Effective Evil's AI Misalignment Plan
math ⊕ science ≠ ∅
First Strike and Second Strike [video version]
[Letter] Chinese Quickstart
I finally got ChatGPT to sound like me
Interdictor Ship
Decision Theory in Space
You're a Space Wizard, Luke
Let's Talk Heresy
Hot Seat
Reverse-Engineering My Best Posts
Paris Hilton's Ghostwritten Memoir
The Pearly Gates
Луна Лавгуд и Комната Тайн, Часть 1
Is there software to practice reading expressions?
Just Sitting is Painfully Hard
We Found the Perfect Tunnel for Street Art
Back to Basics: Truth is Unitary
Many people lack basic scientific knowledge
"Should we"
Cultural Appropriation is (usually) Good
throwing gold into the ocean
flowing like water; hard like stone
What is a mental illness?
Lsusr's Rationality Dojo
Indistinguishable from Mind Reading
Is high-frequency trading ethical?
Universal Love applies to Everyone
Marie Kondo
I folded my laundry
The Art of Happiness
The Dark Arts
What is the next level of rationality?
Embedded Agents are Quines
A Socratic dialogue with my student
Leadership: a Socratic Dialogue
Attempting to explain fiat money in under 1 hour
[Bias] Restricting freedom is more harmful than it seems
What's your favorite black joke?
Aspies are heretics
Getting Offended is Intolerant
Two Jews; three opinions
Petrov Day [Spoiler Warning]
Futures contracts create (risk-adjusted) value
Wealth is not zero-sum
Debt Forgiveness: A Case Study in Persuasion
Newcomb Variant
When Omnipotence is Not Enough
Stoicism and grace under pressure
Insight Meditation
[Review] Two People Smoking Behind the Supermarket
Moral Hazard in Voter Choice
Rhetorical Aikido
Tim Ferris 2: 17 Questions
Tim Ferris 1: The Low-Information Diet
Transhuman Political Correctness
Heaven & Hell
[Prediction] Humanity will survive the next hundred years
The Caplan-Yudkowsky End-of-the-World Bet Scheme Doesn't Actually Work
Self-Reference Breaks the Orthogonality Thesis
Beyond Reinforcement Learning: Predictive Processing and Checksums
Path-Dependence in ChatGPT's Political Outputs
Predictive Processing, Heterosexuality and Delusions of Grandeur
MrBeast's Squid Game Tricked Me
Always know where your abstractions break
Science and Math
[Book Review] "Station Eleven" by Emily St. John Mandel
The Teacup Test
What are you for?
Seattle Robot Cult
How do you get a job as a software developer?
To Your Eternity
Feelings Occur Before Explanations
Checksum Sensor Alignment
The Alignment Problem
Deontological Evil
Dagger of Detect Evil
To what extent have ideas and scientific discoveries gotten harder to find?
The Mountain Troll
The Burden of Worldbuilding
Here's a List of Some of My Ideas for Blog Posts
Glass Puppet
Seattle Robot Cult
Being Correct xor Appearing Correct
The Gospel of Martin Luther
Letter to my Squire
[Review] The Lifechanging Magic of Tidying up.
Rationality Dojo
Re: So You Want to Be a Dharma Teacher
Ineffective Altruism
All I Know is that I Know Nothing
Bayeswatch 6.5: Therapy
Bayeswatch 9.5: Rest & Relaxation
A Word to the Wise is Sufficient because the Wise Know So Many Words
The Jordan Peterson vs Sam Harris Debate
The Case for Frequentism: Why Bayesian Probability is Fundamentally Unsound and What Science Does Instead
Anti-Corruption Market
Moses and the Class Struggle
[NSFW Review] Interspecies Reviewers
Using Prediction Markets to Guide Government Policy
Titanic II
The Easy Way to Learn Japanese
Treating Autism with Improv Comedy
Romance Protagonists
Male and Female Love Interests
It's not WWIII if 5/6 of humanity remains neutral
Accelerated [Honors] Calculus
[Letter] Russians are Welcome in America
Ukraine Situation Report 2022/03/04
The Geometric Series of 1/(d+1) is a Fraction in Base-d
Ukraine Situation Report 2022/03/01
Russia has Invaded Ukraine
There is more to life than saving the world
Chaos and Stability
Your Enemies Can Use Your Prediction Markets Against You
To Change the World
Bet on Rare Undesirable Outcomes when Seeding a Prediction Market
Prediction Markets are for Outcomes Beyond Our Control
Marginal Cases Don't Matter
My First Insight Cycle
Parkinson's Law
Corollary to the Pareto Principle
Prices in a Post-Scarcity Society
Confabulating Work
[Letter] It's the edge cases that bite you
We're the Good Guys
We Write Numbers Backward
[Letter] Mundane Problems Have Mundane Solutions
Don't Look Up
[Review] The Matrix Resurrections
The Machine that Broke My Heart
Why did Europe conquer the world?
Ten Minutes with Sam Altman
Merry Christmas
Prerequisite Skills
Physics Erotica
[Book Review] "The Most Powerful Idea in the World" by William Rosen
Six Specializations Makes You World-Class
Business Writing Example #2
Business Writing Example #1
Falsifying Ethical Values
Perishable Knowledge
Blog Respectably
In One Word
Changing my mind about exercise
Extrinsic and Intrinsic Moral Frameworks
Are big brains for processing sensory input?
Instinctual Goodness
YouTube Removes Dislikes
I ❤️ MrBeast
Do not bother explaining why others are wrong
Coordinating the Unequal Treaties
First Strike and Second Strike
[Book Review] "Sorceror's Apprentice" by Tahir Shah
Re: Attempted Gears Analysis of AGI Intervention Discussion With Eliezer
Education on My Homeworld
[Book Review] "The Bell Curve" by Charles Murray
Effective Evil
We Live in a Post-Scarcity Society
Tell the Truth
Start with a Title
[TL;DR] "Training for the New Alpinism" by Steve House and Scott Johnston
Postmodern Warfare
How I Think About Money
[Prediction] We are in an Algorithmic Overhang, Part 2
Would we have invented GPUs just to run ANNs?
Write Surprisingly About Reality
Is nuking women and children cheaper than firebombing them?
Bayeswatch 13: Spaceship
The Extrapolation Problem
Bayeswatch 12: The Singularity War
Bayeswatch 11: Parabellum
Character-Driven Conflict in "Firefly"
Cheap food causes cooperative ethics
2021 Darwin Game - Everywhere Else
2021 Darwin Game - River
2021 Darwin Game - Human Garbage Dump
2021 Darwin Game - Benthic
2021 Darwin Game - Ocean
2021 Darwin Game - Desert
2021 Darwin Game - Tundra
2021 Darwin Game - Contestants
Interview with Skynet
[Prediction] We are in an Algorithmic Overhang
Bayeswatch 10: Spyware
[Book Review] "Houdini on Magic" by Harry Houdini
[Book Review] "The Vital Question" by Nick Lane
The Trolley Problem
Where's my magic sword?
This War of Mine
The 2021 Less Wrong Darwin Game
[Book Review] Altered Traits
[Summary] "Introduction to Electrodynamics" by David Griffiths - Part 1
[Book Review] "The Alignment Problem" by Brian Christian
Updating Science Fiction Tropes
Simulated Elon Musk Lives in a Simulation
I wanted to interview Eliezer Yudkowsky but he's busy so I simulated him instead
GPT-Augmented Blogging
Bayeswatch 9: Zombies
Bayeswatch 8: Antimatter
Pleasure and Pain are Long-Tailed
Bayeswatch 7: Wildfire
Three Principles to Writing Original Nonfiction
Kids Learn by Copying
[Review] Edge of Tomorrow (2014)
[Sponsored] Job Hunting in the Modern Economy
World War Zero
We Live in an Era of Unprecedented World Peace
Humanity is Winning the Fight Against Infectious Disease
Training My Friend to Cook
Death by a Single Cut
Altruism Under Extreme Uncertainty
Autoregressive Propaganda
Technical Predictions Related to AI Safety
Purple Lipstick
Sunzi's《Methods of War》- Potential
Minimizing Effort
Sympathetic, Capable, Proactive
[Letter] You Cannot Buy Self-Reliance
Re: Competent Elites
The Commitment Form
Propose Things
The Dark Night of the Soul
How to Contact Me
Bikepacking to Anacortes
MeetUp is like Facebook
Four Components of Audacity
Happiness Ruins My Writing
Bayeswatch 6: Mechwarrior
[Book Review] Blueprint for Revolution
[Prediction] What war between the USA and China would look like in 2050
Entropy-Based Calibration will Solve the Overfitting Problem
Ratchet Programming
Historical Validation Misses Black Swans
The Entropy of a Dataset Obeys the Triangle Inequality
Bayeswatch 5: Hivemind
Re: Fierce Nerds
Bayeswatch 4: Mousetrap
How to compute the probability you are flipping a trick coin
Deliberately Vague Language is Bullshit
Zvi's Law of No Evidence
Hypothesis Space Entropy
The Nuclear Energy Alignment Problem
Why quantitative finance is so hard
Bayeswatch 3: A Study in Scarlet
Bayeswatch 2: Puppy Muffins
Bayeswatch 1: Jewish Space Laser
[Letter] Advice for High School #2
[Letter] Advice for High School #1
Place-Based Programming - Part 2 - Functions
Hell is wasted on the evil
Training the YouTube Algorithm
Place-Based Programming - Part 1 - Places
I Trained a Neural Network to Play Helltaker
Predictive Coding has been Unified with Backpropagation
[Book Review] Destiny Disrupted
[Book Review] Ancillary Justice
Conversation Exchange Statistics
Blue is Arbitrary
How I come up with ideas
[Prediction] The Consequences of Radical Reform
Contrarian Writing Advice
The Flexibility of Abstract Concepts
Economic Class
We should not raise awareness
Media Bias
Science Fiction
The Kelly Criterion in 3D
Race and Nationality
The Median is Less than the Average
This is my 100ᵗʰ post on Less Wrong
The Economics of Media
Sunzi's《Methods of War》- The Army's Form
Help your rivals when they are numerous
Reflections on "Psycho-Pass"
[Book Review] The Chrysanthemum and the Sword
The Future of Biological Warfare
Deconditioning Aversion to Dislike
Luna Lovegood and the Chamber of Secrets - Part 13
Luna Lovegood and the Chamber of Secrets - Part 12
Luna Lovegood and the Chamber of Secrets - Part 11
Luna Lovegood and the Chamber of Secrets - Part 10
Sunzi's《Methods of War》- Planning Attacks
Luna Lovegood and the Chamber of Secrets - Part 9
Luna Lovegood and the Chamber of Secrets - Part 8
Hermione Granger and Newcomb's Paradox
Luna Lovegood and the Chamber of Secrets - Part 7
Luna Lovegood and the Chamber of Secrets - Part 6
Luna Lovegood and the Chamber of Secrets - Part 5
The Darwin Game - Conclusion
Luna Lovegood and the Chamber of Secrets - Part 4
Luna Lovegood and the Chamber of Secrets - Part 3
My Fear Heuristic
The Mutant Game - Rounds 91 to 247
Luna Lovegood and the Chamber of Secrets - Part 2
The Mutant Game - Rounds 31 to 90
Matryoshka Faraday Box
Luna Lovegood and the Chamber of Secrets - Part 1
Success Buys Freedom
Evading Mind Control
Transparent Technologies
Manifesto of the Silent Minority
The Mutant Game - Rounds 11 to 30
The Darwin Game - Rounds 21-500
Sunzi's《Methods of War》- War
Sunzi's《Methods of War》- Introduction
The Darwin Game - Rounds 10 to 20
The Darwin Game - Rounds 3 to 9
The Darwin Game - Rounds 1 to 2
The Born Rule is Time-Symmetric
Aim to explain, not persuade
The Darwin Game - Round 1
On the Dangers of Time Travel
The Darwin Game - Rounds 0 to 10
Quantum Gravity
Developing Business Mindset
Alpha α and Beta β
The Darwin Game
How to Price a Futures Contract
Business Mindset
Communicate Authentically
Emptiness and Form
Speak in the Positive
Feeds and Archives
News Makes You Stupid
[Letter] Willpower and Akrasia
Intuitive Noether Current
7 Months Without Junk Media
████████ ██████ ███████████
List of Unusual Beliefs
Intuitive Lagrangian Mechanics
Life at Three Tails of the Bell Curve
Life at Three Tails of the Bell Curve
News ⊂ Advertising
[Personal Experiment] One Year without Junk Media: Six-Month Update
Intuitive Lagrangian Mechanics
Status-Regulating Emotions
lsusr's Shortform
Small Data
I do not like math
I Do Not Like Math
The Inefficient Market Hypothesis
The History of Color in Chinese
The History of Color in Chinese
3 Interview-like Algorithm Questions for Programmers
4 Kinds of Learning
How do you do hyperparameter searches in ML?
[Personal Experiment] Training YouTube's Algorithm
[Personal Experiment] One Year without Junk Media
Symbiotic Conflicts
[Personal Experiment] Counterbalancing Risk-Aversion
Self-Keeping Secrets
The Technique Taboo
Prospecting for Conceptual Holes
Mediums Overpower Messages
Invisible Choices, Made by Default
Invisible Choices, Made by Default
Mediums Overpower Messages
Integrating the Lindy Effect
Zeno walks into a bar